Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wii 2? The next generation

Nintendo announced that they will be making a new Nintendo console. It's been what 4 or 5 years already? I never had a Wii but I have used it alot of times. The project is is called Project "Cafe". I wonder what Project "Cafe" means. Maybe... "C"an "A"ll "F"rauds "E"nd? "C"ummingg "A"fter "F"ive "E"ight? I don't know ,but what Ido know is the details.

It will be customizable. Which means you could change hardware and components. I already have problems wht that. How are children going to customize this advanced console. I mean children can't even read the console manuals. I don't think this is a good idea. It reminds me of the Sega Add-ons.

It will have new advanced controllers(FROM THE FUTURE)NOT REALLY. When I mean advanced I mean it will have a screen on it. Yes, a screen. How it that possible?! And if it were, wouldn't it be expensive? I mean the wiimote is $50; who know what the new controller will cost.

The console is going to be playable AT E3!!! That was fast! Nintendo just announced this console and now they're going to launch a playable demo at E3? They're really rushing things there. Or maybe they've been planning this since the release of the Wii. Very clever, Nintendo. :-)

BTW It's not going to be 3-D. I mean come on, if it were 3D, then you'd have to upgrade your TV which I don't think a child would do.

But what about the extreme gamer's view? He would think this hardware customization would be awesome. I mean as a computer nerd, this is very superb. New controllers with touch screen impresses me; this is the new controller generation. Nintendo is like 10 years ahead our time. If I ever get a chance to go to E3 2011, then this will be my most anticipated thing there.

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